Edited Book Volume

Robinson, S. (Ed.) (2015). Community Journalism Midst Media Revolution. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Journal Special Issue, Editor

Robinson, S. (2014). Community Journalism Midst Media Revolution. Journalism Practice, 8(2).

Major Monograph

Here Sue and research partner Meredith Metzler return to the community center where they conducted focus groups to let people know how their words were used.

Robinson, S. (2011). Journalism as Process: The Labor Implications of Participatory Content in News Organization. Journalism & Communication Monographs, 13(3), 138-210.

Journal Articles

1.     Almeida, E. and Robinson, S. (2023). Activists and Journalists as Co-Creators & Co-Revisionists of U.S. Histories: The 1619 New York Times Project. International Journal of Communication.*


2.     Robinson, S., Jensen, K., Dávalos, C. (2021). “Listening Literacies” as Keys to Rebuilding Trust in Journalism: A Typology for a Changing News Audience. Journalism Studies, 22(9), 1219-1237. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670X.2021.1937677*


3.     Carlson, M., Robinson, S., and Lewis, S.C. (2020). Digital Press Criticism: The Symbolic dimensions of Donald Trump’s assault on U.S. Journalists as “Enemies of the People.” Digital Journalism, 9(6), 737-754. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2020.1836981*


4.     Zahay, M., Jensen, K., Xia, Y., and Robinson, S., (2020). The Labor of building trust: Traditional and engagement discourses for practicing journalism in a digital age. Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism Quarterly, 98(4), 1041–1058. DOI: https://doi-org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/10.1177/1077699020954854


5.     Xia, Y, Robinson, S., Zahay, M., and Freelon, D. (2020) The Evolving Journalistic Roles on Social Media: Exploring “Engagement” as Relationship-Building between Journalists and Citizens. Journalism Practice. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2020.1722729.*


6.     Robinson, S. and Anderson, C.W. (2020). Network Ethnography. Journalism Studies. *


7.     Robinson, S. Lewis, S., & Carlson, M. (2019) Finding the Digital in Journalism Studies. Digital Journalism*


8.     Cieslik-Miskimen, C. and Robinson, S. (2019). The History Gap: Collective Memory in Public Discourse. Memory Studies. https://doi.org/10.1177/1750698019849696*


9.     Robinson, S. (2018). A Crisis for Shared Public Discourses: Journalism & How it all begins and ends with trust. Journalism.*


10.  Robinson, S. (2018). A Racial Reckoning of a Progressive Ideology in Public Discourse. International Journal of Communication, 18(2018), 1-19.*


11.  Robinson, S. and Wang, S. (2018). Networked News Participation: Future Pathways. Media and Communication.*


12.  Carlson, M., Robinson, S., Lewis, S., Berkowitz, D. (2018). Journalism Studies and its Core Commitments: The Making of a Communication Field. Journal of Communication, 68(1): 6-25.*


13.  Robinson, S. (2017). Teaching for Social Justice. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(1), 303-317.*


14.  Robinson, S. and Culver, K. (2016). When White Reporters Cover Race. Journalism: Theory Practice & Criticism.* 


15.  Robinson, S. (2015). Legitimation Strategies and Value Systems in Public Communication about Racial Achievement Gaps. Journalism Studies.*

16.  Robinson, S. (2014). Information Media Repertoires: An Exploration of Local-Community News Habits in Madison, WI. Mass Communication & Society, 17(4), 509-530. DOI: 10.1080/15205436.2013.816745*


17.  Robinson, S. (2014). Introduction: Community Journalism Midst Media Revolution. Journalism Practice, 8(2), 113-120. *


18.  Konieczna, M. & Robinson, S. (2014). Emerging News Non-Profits: A Case Study for Rebuilding Community Trust? Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, 14(9). *


19.  Robinson, S., Knisely, S., Schwartz, MItchael. (2013, Forthcoming). A News Negotiation of a State’s “History”: Collective memory of the 2011 WI protests. Journalism Studies.  *


20.  Robinson, S. (2013). Teaching “Journalism as Process”: A Proposed Paradigm for J-School Curricula in the Digital Age. Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication, 3(1), 1-12. *


21.  Robinson, S. & Mendelson, A. (2012). A Qualitative Experiment: Research on Mediated Meaning Construction Using a Hybrid Approach. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 6(4), 332-347. doi: 10.1177/1558689812444789 *


22.  Robinson, S. & DeShano, C. (2011). “Anyone Can Know”: Citizen Journalism and the Interpretive Community of the Mainstream Press. Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism, 12(8), 1-20. doi:10.1177/1464884911415973 *


23.  Robinson, S. (2011). Convergence Crises: News Work and News Space in the Digitally Transforming Newsroom. Journal of Communication, 61, 1122-1141. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2011.01603.x *


24.  Robinson, S. & DeShano, C. (2011). Citizen Journalists and Their Third Places: What Makes People Exchange Information Online (or Not). Journalism Studies, 12(5), 1-16. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2011.557559 *


25.  Robinson, S. (2010). Traditionalists vs. Convergers: Textual Privilege, Boundary Work, and the Journalist-Audience Relationship in the Commenting Policies of Online News Sites. Convergence, 16(1), 125-143. doi:10.1177/1354856509347719 *


26.  Robinson, S. (2009). The Cyber-Newsroom: A Case Study of the Journalistic Paradigm in a News Narrative’s Journey from a Newspaper to Cyberspace. Mass Communication and Society, 12(4), 1-20. doi:10.1080/15205430802513234 *


27.  Robinson, S. (2009). “We Were All There”: Remembering America in the Anniversary Coverage of Hurricane Katrina. Memory Studies, 2(2), 235-253. doi:10.1177/1750698008102054 * ++


28.  Robinson, S. (2009). “If You Had Been With Us”: Mainstream Press and Citizen Journalists Jockey for Authority Over the Collective Memory of Hurricane Katrina. New Media & Society, 11(4), 795–814. doi:10.1177/1461444809105353 *


29.  Robinson, S. (2009). A Chronicle of Chaos: Tracking the News Story of Hurricane Katrina from The Times-Picayune to its Web Site. Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism, 10(4), 431-450. doi:10.1177/1464884909104949 *


30.  Robinson, S. (2007). “Someone’s Gotta Be in Control Here”: The Institutionalization of Online News and the Creation of a Shared Journalistic Authority. Journalism Practice, 1(3), 305-321. doi:10.1080/17512780701504856 * ++ 


31.  Robinson, S. (2007). Vietnam and Iraq: Memory Vs. History in the 2004 Presidential Campaign Coverage. Journalism Studies, 7(5), 729-744. doi:10.1080/14616700600890398 * 


32.  Robinson, S. (2006). The Mission of the J-Blog: Recapturing a Journalistic Frame Online.

Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism, 7(1, February), 65-83. doi:10.1177/1464884906059428 * 

* Indicates refereed articles

++ These two articles were included in an edited volume: Berkowitz, D. (2011). Cultural Meanings of News: A Text-Reader. London: Sage. 

Book Chapters

1.     Robinson, S., Wang, S. and Almeida, E. (2023). Journalism Studies for Whom?: Centering community in public scholarship through a “PROflexive” approach. In T.J. Billard and S. Waisbord (eds). Public Journalism Scholarship. University of Illinois Press.

2.     Robinson, S. (2017). Trump, Journalists & Social Networks of Trust. In Trump and the Media edited by Pablo J. Boczkowski & Zizi Papacharissi. Cambridge: MIT Press.


3.     Robinson, S. (2017). Check Out This Blog: Researching Power & Privilege in Emergent Journalistic Authorities. Pushing the Boundaries of Journalism Studies edited by Pablo Boczkowski and C.W. Anderson. Cambridge: MIT Press.  


4.     Robinson, S. and Metzler, M. (2016). Ethnography in Digital Newsrooms. Sage Handbook for Digital Journalism edited by Tamara Witschge, CW Anderson, David Domingo, Alfred Hermida. London: Sage Publications.


5.     Robinson, S. (2015) Redrawing Borders from Within: Commenting on News Stories as Boundary Work. In Seth Lewis and Matthew Carlson (Eds.) Boundaries of Journalism (pp. 152168). New York: Routledge.


6.     Robinson, S. and Schwartz, M. (2014). The Activist as Citizen Journalist. In Einar Thorsen and Stuart Allan (Eds.) Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives, Volume Two (pp. 372-390). New York: Peter Lang.  


7.     Robinson, S. (2014) Interviewing as a Qualitative Inquiry. In Fabienne Darling-Wolf (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies: Research Methods in Media Studies (pp. 135154). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 


8.     Robinson, S. (2012). Experiencing Journalism. In Eugenia Siapera and Andreas Veglis (Eds.), Handbook of Online Journalism (pp.59-76). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.


9.     Robinson, S. (2011). “Beaming up” Traditional Journalists: The Transition of an American Newspaper into Cyberspace. In David Domingo and Chris Patterson (Eds.), Making Online News: The Ethnography of New Media Production (2nd ed.) (pp. 31-44). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.


10.  Robinson, S., DeShano, C., Nakho, K. & Friedland, L. (2010). Madison Commons: Experimenting with a Citizen-Journalism Model. In Jack Rosenberry and Burton St. John III. (Eds.), Public Journalism 2.0: The Promise and Reality of a Citizen-Engaged Press (pp.162175). New York: Routledge.

11.  Robinson, S. (2009). “Searching for My Own Unique Place in the Story”: A Comparison of Journalistic and Citizen-Produced Coverage of Hurricane Katrina’s Anniversary. In Zizi Papacharissi (Ed.), Journalism and Citizenship: New Agendas in Communication (pp. 166188). New York: Routledge.